Charles Vandepeer speaks, writes, researches and teaches on critical thinking, analytic skills and decision-making in the … Read more >>

You might be just one question away from the answer that you need…
You might be just one question away from the breakthrough you’re seeking…
You might be just one question away from the insight your organisation requires...
Questions are fundamentally important to everything we do. The answers to our questions enable us to learn, to grow and to take action. Our ability to ask good questions and seek answers is key to learning, anticipating and adapting to new situations and changing environments. We ask questions to get answers, so it is very important to understand the way questions are asked and answered.
Asking Good Questions shows how the way we ask a question determines the answer we get, as well as how to tell if our questions have actually been answered. In learning to ask good questions this book helps us to work towards asking the right question.
Many people spend thousands of dollars buying a new car, a house or pursuing a qualification. The advantage of Asking Good Questions is that for the cost of a few coffees it is possible to change your outlook and establish a habit of seeking the answers to questions that we determine are important. We all use questions every day, but Asking Good Questions helps us to think and be deliberate about the questions we ask and be more effective in getting the answers we need, whether it is in the social, family or work environment.
In addition to the Asking Good Questions book, we also have commenced a series of video podcasts that will be regularly updated exploring topics and issues related to asking good questions and asking the right questions. We’re more than happy to take suggestions for topics to include in future videos.
Although this is the first book for Freshwater Publishing & Training, this is the second book Charles has written. His first book Applied Thinking for Intelligence Analysis is in its second print run and has attracted a wide readership, including secondary students, decision-makers, CEOs, medical personnel, university students and analysts and has seen him speak at venues in Australia, Canada and the United States. We’ve included details and some links to additional research and publications that Charles has produced, a number of which are free to download.
Having written and published nationally and internationally, we have launched out into self-publishing with our first book Asking Good Questions – A Practical Guide with a view to producing highly readable and practical books for readers regardless of background, profession and experience level, and able to be read by senior high school students and above.
Charles Vandepeer speaks, writes, researches and teaches on critical thinking, analytic skills and decision-making in the … Read more >>
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